Talents! The Necessity of Meeting your Maker empty

The moment I decide to unzip my mouth, you should expect nothing other than a bombshell! While away on an examination break, we made many observations, heard many stories, and as well found ourselves enclaved in one or two phenomena. It was during this short break that I chanced on the story of this young man who had died but having met God, was asked to come back just to empty himself of his talents. He was one of the few geniuses his generation could ever boast of but always lived in a pale shadow of himself. John’s birth, as described by the mum was very mysterious since none of his earlier four(4) children had given her such a headache during pregnancy and birth in her whole life. Born to christian parents, John couldn’t have settled for any other believe than Christianity. Growing up he was found by his teachers as having an intelligence level far above that of his colleagues, a unique intelligence for that matter. The parents and teachers were in elevated moods becaus...