Talents! The Necessity of Meeting your Maker empty

The moment I decide to unzip my mouth, you should expect nothing other than a bombshell! While away on an examination break, we made many observations, heard many stories, and as well found ourselves enclaved in one or two phenomena. It was during this short break that I chanced on the story of this young man who had died but having met God, was asked to come back just to empty himself of his talents.
He was one of the few geniuses his generation could ever boast of but always lived in a pale shadow of himself. John’s birth, as described by the mum was very mysterious since none of his earlier four(4) children had given her such a headache during pregnancy and birth in her whole life. Born to christian parents, John couldn’t have settled for any other believe than Christianity. Growing up he was found by his teachers as having an intelligence level far above that of his colleagues, a unique intelligence for that matter.
The parents and teachers were in elevated moods because a genius was born! His intelligence wasn’t limited but transcended to every aspect of his life. John, for his love for science and human body functioning was touted to be a brain surgeon, but ended up being a teacher, a profession he never enjoyed. He always attributed his inability to be a surgeon to shyness (higher level of ignorance) and so had to settle for a science teacher at a primary school in his village. After teaching for some years, he was struck with illness and fell into coma. He later found himself somewhere, with a big bag at his back, and some in his hands and struggling to get to his destination.
He met a certain man perceived to be an angel on the way and was told to come back to earth, empty his bags and shouldn’t think of coming back until after every bit of the talents in the bag is used. He marvelled, but because it was an order from God through the angel, he had no choice than to return back. Straight from the hospital bed, he applied for the medical school, and from there, he touched more lives in two years than he did the whole of his teaching expedition.
Truth is, none is born dull or block headed. There’s at least a talent in all of us which needs harnessing and a proper usage. Never belittle yours because you may never know where that ‘little talent’ of yours will be needed. You’re useful, if not in this context, it’s the other. Never settle for less, always strive to make use of your God given talents for in that will your happiness erupt from. Don’t be like John, don’t wait till you die, maybe yours will be different from his where yours will be taken and added to another person who’s making good use of his/her own, making you virtually useless.
Make a conscious effort today to empty yourself before your maker calls you. You only feel fulfilled when you adequately put your talents into proper use. Put your talents into good use, let others benefit from you, leave no stone unturned, empty yourself before you go…..I zip my mouth!!
#DieEmpty #UseAllOfYourTalents
